"Somebody grab these people and behead them as soon as they arrive at noon tomorrow!"

"Hang the head of the first-class front array against the young master to stop Confucianism and the top tianjiao head together in the holy mountain!"
Su Yu said slowly and leisurely that the elders of Anruifeng immediately changed their faces as soon as his voice fell.
The Holy Mountain is the solemn and sacred place where Ziya Mountain succeeds to the throne!
The most damning thing is that Su Yu actually wants their mobile phones to hang with those top tianjiao!
If there are underground activities, they will be laughed at by all the stars!
But once the sacred mountain is hung, they will be poked by Ziya Mountain’s brothers for generations and go down in history!
"Su Yu! You are so embarrassed! "
Anruifeng resentment blazing way
965 Chapter 965 Little Lord Justice!
An Qing is dressed in a purple embroidered robe, floating and dying, and really goes straight to An Ruifeng’s chest with destruction!
If you are hit by this, you will be seriously injured!
Sunny Ahn is not weaker than this top saint!
AnRuiFeng facial expression, a body urgent retreat sharpness.
But An Ruifeng never thought that An Qing was a vain trick, and the real killing trick came from stopping Confucianism and locking the gods!
A small world can not only lock people’s minds, but also lock the power of practitioners.
Once you are trapped by the lock god, only respect can break the imprisonment!
The stars of heaven and earth twinkle and condense into a mysterious star.
Astrology An Ruifeng feels that heaven and earth replace the Milky Way and suddenly change.
An Ruifeng’s horror has fallen into a small world change.
As AnYuDa a cold drink AnRuiFeng feel abdomen limbs skeleton to a sense of force.
It’s over!
AnRuiFeng heart whine a line of ten elders stand on the ground.
"decapitate people at noon on Sunday."
"In addition, someone will inform the victim and announce that Ziyashan people have come to see the trial of Ziyashan!"
Su Yu glanced at several elders like dead dogs and turned away after saying a sentence.
Su Yu left in a double throne with sunny Ahn.
And all the tianjiao in Ziya Mountain watched the white figure but could not be calm for a long time.
Practice is walking against the sky, and one way to practice is to rely on one’s own talent for luck.
He can practice, but who can do injustice for those ordinary people who can’t practice?
Ziya Mountain needs this justice to make decisions for ordinary people!
In front of the sacred mountain of Ziya Mountain the next day.
Many terrans who have never been to Ziya Mountain have mixed feelings when they look at the holy mountain and kneel down.
Of course, they know who the man on his knees is!
Those are the elders who have oppressed them in a city full of evil!
The influence of Ziya Mountain is intertwined. For thousands of years, even if someone knows about it, people will seriously punish the elders!
"The elders were caught! Su Emperor succeeded me, and the people of Ziya Mountain have been saved! "
"Poor my child was sold to the land by these elders."
"Since the rise of the Yellow Emperor and the soaring status of the Terran, this cruel and heartless thing has not known convergence."
"Dad, did you see it? That beast is finally going to be set off! "
There are some ordinary terrans who can come here.
They are all ordinary people and have been oppressed.
The first thing Su Yu did was to investigate the elders, which was simply too exciting!
"Look at Sue the great! We have justice in Ziyashan! "
I don’t know who shouted, "All the people who came to this purple cliff mountain look at the back."
Seeing the man in a white robe, black hair and flying hands, the ordinary people paced slowly.
His body exudes a noble breath, his eyes are warm and kind, his face is handsome, his feet are purple and gold, and he is never forced to be indifferent.
This is Emperor Yanhuang!
This is the first saint of Xinghai!
This is Ziya Mountain Young Master!
"See Young Master!"
The people knelt down spontaneously with awe and gratitude from their hearts.
Seeing this scene, Ziya Mountain people are all shocked.
For many years, they have never seen the people of Ziya Mountain so sincere.
Ziya Mountain has surpassed the previous generation in this respect!
What a virgin’s first cousin!
"You stand up."
Su Yu’s lips smiled to show her friendliness and settled at the foot of the holy mountain. Su Yu said gently, "Since I have the honor to succeed Ziya Mountain as the young master, I hope that I, Ziya Mountain, will suffer this kneeling today!"
"It’s Su Yu who wants you to kneel down to your parents this day! Kneel down to the heavens and kneel down to the righteousness! "
Su Yu’s words were thrown to the ground, and a group of Ziyashan people were very excited when they heard it!
Kneel on your knees. Parents are born!
"Ziyashan announced that everyone must have known that today, the young master is the master for you!"
"Young Master announced that from today on, the holy mountain will hang the head of sin!"
"But those who commit the most heinous crimes are all in the history of Ziya Mountain, hanging on the sacred mountain as a warning person!"
Su Yu shouted that the people of Ziya Mountain couldn’t help but echo at once!